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T O P I C    R E V I E W
melglora Posted - 08/05/2011 : 12:21:52
Can we get our old graveyard stuff back, or is it all gone?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
supercoolman234 Posted - 08/20/2011 : 15:42:53
Let's just pretend the graveyard's useless
supercoolman234 Posted - 08/19/2011 : 20:31:14
haplo Posted - 08/07/2011 : 15:35:40
Gone. Graveyard is for making test posts and playing around with different stuff, so I didn't think anyone had posted stuff here they'd want saved anyway. Sorry :( If I had known you wanted to save some stuff before it got wiped I probably would have waited longer. I mainly wanted the forums to "look clean" when I released the feature to all players.

I probably won't be wiping the graveyard any more though in the future. Unless storage space became an issue or something, but I can't see that happening. So the wipe was just the one time and I doubt I'll be deleting any posts in the future unless they're spam.