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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jonnyfingers Posted - 05/22/2023 : 23:48:47
To be honest, f*ck Facebook, f*ck YouTube, f*ck Newgrounds, f*ck Publishers Clearing House, f*ck other toxic community sites, f*ck other flash community sites, f*ck Texas, f*ck Walmart, f*ck everything, f*ck school, f*ck Jagex, f*ck everything, f*ck every places, f*ck every websites, f*ck cyberbullies/trollers/doxxers/child ragers/bullies/toxic people, and also f*ck saucyone as well! I'm joining with Tasos1997 and Toast instead! To the user Toast if you read this, please join with me and Tasos, you can also find my other forum at Discord and I miss you Toast.