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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toast Posted - 06/15/2011 : 19:34:25
testing out games links. i cant seem to do them as before. [tadpole]
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
melglora Posted - 01/14/2012 : 11:00:00
Oooooh! like I suspected it doesn't work because of the forum's censorship!!!!
melglora Posted - 01/14/2012 : 10:58:53
Um, I mean [****ing noisy farmer's chicken]
melglora Posted - 01/14/2012 : 10:41:20
[****ing noisy farmer's chickens]
esezoz Posted - 01/14/2012 : 10:22:22
My favorite games: [Clown Balance] [Dad n me] [Equilibrium] [Fumble]
toast Posted - 06/16/2011 : 21:58:58
lol [beer golf] [beer golf] [beer golf] [beer golf] [beer golf]
haplo Posted - 06/16/2011 : 10:06:04
Caps doesn't matter, you can do upper or lowercase or mix and it's all the same, but it DOES have to spelled exactly right including spaces. So it's [beer golf] with a space

Edit: oh yeah, I saw what you meant about beer golf in the other thread, where you did spell it properly, that was an edge case bug. Fixed it
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/15/2011 : 20:58:20
Originally posted by toast

oOoOo it DOES work! just didnt work with [beergolf]

You never learn unless you try. So here goes. [tadpole]
toast Posted - 06/15/2011 : 19:35:04
oOoOo it DOES work! just didnt work with [beergolf]