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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toast Posted - 06/19/2011 : 14:52:54
scrap that, i cant do it lol
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
esezoz Posted - 01/15/2012 : 09:53:12
This ones hilarious! BATDOG! :D
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/26/2011 : 03:41:19
I need the transportation so I can get to my offices where I play the games on Play It On The Web.
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/26/2011 : 03:38:50
Of course I have other forms of transportation.
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/26/2011 : 03:36:27
What do I buy with the Gold that I earn here? My very own custom classic car, of course!
haplo Posted - 06/20/2011 : 23:43:27
lol those are great!!!!
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/20/2011 : 19:30:09
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/20/2011 : 19:28:24
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/20/2011 : 19:27:06
haplo Posted - 06/19/2011 : 21:07:38
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/19/2011 : 20:24:12
How do you best view PlayItOnTheWeb?
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/19/2011 : 20:21:55
What should Haplo get? Haplo should get our
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/19/2011 : 19:17:38
There is a place on the web called MyAlbum.com which allows 25gigs of storage and you can link the photos. I use it all the time since my camera takes photos that are quite huge. But the image I used above did not come from my photo album on MyAlbum. I created the image online and then saved it and placed it on several of my own websites.
haplo Posted - 06/19/2011 : 19:01:25
Correct, you can't upload your own images it has to be off the net.

However you can upload your own images to tons of different other places like imageshack or photobucket or tinypic or flickr

Once there they give you a url which you can use to post it here, and it uses their bandwidth instead of ours

Or if you guys haven't heard of dropbox yet, you should definitely check it out cuz it is AMAZING. Gives you a folder on your comp that you can use to sync seemlessly any number of files between multiple computers, with no effort at all. And there is a pictures subfolder in it, you can just drop images into it then right click the image and it instantly gives you a public url that the image can be accessed with (which could also be used to post the img here)
toast Posted - 06/19/2011 : 18:55:49
Point Well Taken Mr.Rock lolol
rockcastlecoky Posted - 06/19/2011 : 18:20:50
toast Posted - 06/19/2011 : 17:42:05
more space equals longer page loading times doesnt it? *twiddles toes*
toast Posted - 06/19/2011 : 17:08:50
lol, yes mines off the net, i dont think we're able to upload our own pics yet, (same way we change our profile avatars)

what say you Mr.Haplo?
melglora Posted - 06/19/2011 : 17:02:01
But whaddabout my thingy? Did u get that off the net?
toast Posted - 06/19/2011 : 16:59:44
WooHooo! go me! yayayay
toast Posted - 06/19/2011 : 16:58:55