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 30 Runes?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
neeraffa Posted - 09/07/2014 : 15:49:26
Hi I see the topic of 30 runes has already been mentioned in a thread started last year but have these new runes to takes the total to at least 30 been added yet?

It seems Haplo doesn't visit here too often - so could this be a sign they may never be added....?

Regards :)
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
saucyone Posted - 09/09/2014 : 13:40:59
I'm with Toast.."and other things"
jonnyfingers Posted - 09/08/2014 : 18:27:25
Well we'll see what would happen next.
toast Posted - 09/08/2014 : 15:44:59
...And other things
farah111 Posted - 09/08/2014 : 12:45:21
I would prefere to wait another year for the runes.
If Haplo would consider to repair other topics...like the activity and the chat box
...for example
neeraffa Posted - 09/08/2014 : 07:01:21
Thanks for your reply Peterre :D
peterre Posted - 09/07/2014 : 23:42:39
no Neeraffa , Haplo is still busy with puzling how the runes are drawned, cause he used the complete rune alphabet , the suggest was to use capital , we are still waiting :D