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T O P I C    R E V I E W
haplo Posted - 10/27/2014 : 16:37:42
The ban hammer has come down.

2 players have been forever exiled from this place for the crime of cheating. Accounts frozen, all-time scores erased, but stats remain as a warning to others of the pointlessness of the wasted time and effort they expended.
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
3styler Posted - 12/23/2014 : 21:43:37
I made this account to have a voice on this.

I have NEVER cheated on any games and I am disgusted to accused of such.
Obviously someone(maybe more) on this site think I do cheat for some reason - yet I was no-where near the top of the high score tables....?

I was a moderator on a site called Arcade boss but before I was asked to Mod they asked me for video proof of some scores which I provided no problem and could have done the same here.

Im actually shocked my account was just banned without even asking me and that a site member has been treated like this....

How would any of you react if you were wrongly banned?
I would like the the post calling me a cheat to have my user name removed please as I don't and have NEVER cheat on any game on any site.

I don't want my account back as I have no wish to be a member of a games site that can treat someone like this for nothing.

Just remove my username = @#!$!% from the post.

If video proof is required on a game for this to happen then let me know which game/s and I will provide it.

Have a nice Christmas.....
eaglekiwi Posted - 12/15/2014 : 14:09:04
Neeraffa is NOT a cheat. He'd be happy to explain/refute any so-called evidence that might be offered.

Anyway, he's also happy not to be here any more - and so am I for that matter.

Fantastic site technically, and even many great users - but a top guy who spends huge energy catching so-called cheats - yet can't be bothered responding to any of many many posts about problems with some games, or errors on the site - just wastes my time.

Bye all. It was sure nice knowing you, for a while.
lovealphonso Posted - 10/29/2014 : 12:53:19
Thank you for the GOLD Haplo........very much appreciated !!!
jonnyfingers Posted - 10/28/2014 : 07:13:38
Thank you for the gold haplo. :)
peterre Posted - 10/27/2014 : 23:08:17
right Chippy, i like to play Vector , only here without high scores , but i hope Haplo set the Vector TD games in highscore modus :) , by the way THNXSS Haplo , big high 500000000 :))))))))
chippy Posted - 10/27/2014 : 18:28:39
I truly don't understand WHY a person would cheat! What is the point? I play this one game here that doesn't even save scores. I play it to compete against myself and still enjoy the play.. sigh.. lol

Thank you for being a good site owner, and shame on them.. lol
saucyone Posted - 10/27/2014 : 17:47:48
toast Posted - 10/27/2014 : 17:40:51
*empties Santokan and Neeraffa's virtual lockers*.......*returns the keys to reception*...=]
toast Posted - 10/27/2014 : 17:23:20
Hey -that- game is Legend! *rolls over laughing*......But not as legendary as Mr.H *salutes*
saucyone Posted - 10/27/2014 : 17:21:26
This makes up for all of us having to play that daily challenge JOUERV2... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gameplayer Posted - 10/27/2014 : 17:18:29
Oh, wow. Ty a third time. It is nice to know you are looking out for us, Haplo. :)
saucyone Posted - 10/27/2014 : 17:04:37
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hugs and mega hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks soooooooooooooooooo mucho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toast Posted - 10/27/2014 : 16:56:41
Thank You, Thank You, T H A N K - Y O U!

Thank-You SOOO Much!

Huge Hugs & Kisses from this side of the pond =] Mwah!X
haplo Posted - 10/27/2014 : 16:54:49
Sorry it took me so long but I was really trying to learn from them, I have been watching for a couple of months even to learn as much as I could. Sorry that it took some of the fun away from the leaderboards and such.
haplo Posted - 10/27/2014 : 16:45:08
haplo Posted - 10/27/2014 : 16:41:12
Also, I am about to give all active players a 10X mass donation as a thank you for being patient while I amused myself observing their actions for a long time and learning a lot about patterns of behavior.