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 those who are qualified...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
farah111 Posted - 05/19/2015 : 09:23:33
"Unfortunately, you don't qualify to participate in this tournament because you already have 50 or more first-place Daily Tournament Awards. Try the more advanced tournament ranks!"
Those, who are qualified to participate in these tournaments don't seem to play the games. So why don't let us unworthy highscores participate, hm haplo? How about?
'Friday the 24th' for example is such a funny game.....*giggle like psycho*

Agree, oh you Unworthy Gamers?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lovealphonso Posted - 05/19/2015 : 13:32:18
Good idea Farah111 .......