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 the same person receiving double the awards?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lovealphonso Posted - 08/25/2015 : 08:42:05
Is that really fair how one person can make an "alias" and claim double the awards ?????? You got to be kidding me ??????? How unfair is that ??????
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 12:09:09
I love everyone! even the ones who cant love themselves, I forgive you saucy, I always forgive you =]
saucyone Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:59:12
You make me laugh..lol! hate campaigns?? guess we had a good example from you..all your hatred and bitterness.
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:56:20
have fun guys, enjoy your hate campaign, and remember, love love love! =]
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:53:41
Anyone who knows me, knows I don't send any type of -hate mail- as you call it. But please go on spreading your tired old bull, its entertainment for us all =D
farah111 Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:53:38
oh how sweet, little toasty. biting around a bit? go one and post your bull****. this is really funny
saucyone Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:53:27
Most of us that are more familiar with you Toast, have blocked you.
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:50:14
No one has received ANY hate mail from me! But youre so funny, I think I will keep this going, jut for the giggles, your too funny when your trying to be a queen diva =P
farah111 Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:48:56
I wasn't talking about the forum. I was talking about mails.
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:48:27
LMAO! no one cares about your silly bull Farah, put your handbag away and stop stirring amongst the lads!
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:47:00
Its not your place to tell me or anyone else who can and cant comment on the forum Farah =]
farah111 Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:45:57
you accusing others of being rude? that's really ridiculous. I'm not the only one around here who received one of your famous hate-mails.
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:42:09
Excuse me? How rude, now sit back down and hush your old flapping gums! lol
farah111 Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:39:56
If the shoe fits, you wear it. I wasn't talking about you. Mrs. Toast.
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:35:29
Each to their own Farah, we're not all the same people. Best not to assume peoples aliases are the same person. .....Ahhhh I get it now, its another HATE rage campaign! haha silly me, get on with it then lads, get it out of your system and have a good old moan (again) =P
farah111 Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:30:10
Everybody can create an alias on this side...but I don't relly get why one should do this. It makes no sense to me. There is only one 'me'....why should I need two performances on this side. Complete nonsense, right?

This was meant as a reply to saucy and alphonso
toast Posted - 08/25/2015 : 11:27:59
I agree also, -if- the alias isn't a different person. Otherwise its perfectly fine guys. Many of us live with other people and its normal to have only one connection per household (to the internet). All aliases are allowed to game/play the same as anyone else.

Lets not start hating on the aliases guys, everyone can enjoy the site, The more the merrier =]
saucyone Posted - 08/25/2015 : 09:29:43
I agree, it isn't fair to the other players.