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T O P I C    R E V I E W
saucyone Posted - 06/12/2016 : 12:38:30
Many prayers to all the families and victims of the largest mass killing in the US..condemn ISIS..God bless and give comfort to all that have suffered their losses.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
farah111 Posted - 06/13/2016 : 23:44:17
These are not my words but they say exactly what I think about it:
"By this act, the face of open-mindedness and unconditional love has yet become more brittle; mankind, as a whole, has allowed for human dignity to be defaced because of the bigotry of zealots and uneducated obscurantists."
farah111 Posted - 06/12/2016 : 16:40:16
I'm so shocked that things like this in Orlando still happen. I can't find the right words. I know I should not be shocked because we all know that homophobic brutality is still out there. And the three big religions do little enough against it.
Religions should not be allowed any influence in politics.
farah111 Posted - 06/12/2016 : 16:28:35
It's a grief that can't be spoken. And the pain goes on and on. Brothers please forgive me, that I live and you are gone.