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T O P I C    R E V I E W
saucyone Posted - 07/12/2016 : 15:33:17
Many prayers go out to these families
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jonnyfingers Posted - 04/27/2023 : 16:35:01
Uh this is a past post. Hope I won't mind posting. Don't get me wrong, but that Dallas, Texas is a sink hole place just like the rest of Texas, it's just a toilet, in fact that state itself is racist and these toxic people and the state itself have no life and no soul and I hate that state so much, those greedy folks for making that state unlivable, it's a corrupted place to live! Also I do not have ties to other radical groups (including radical left and right groups). Besides some black criminals did bad things which terrorizes everybody just like white criminals and foreign criminals, also I'm against racism and police brutality committed by USA. Also Micah Xavier Johnson didn't mean to kill white people and has done nothing wrong, he only against white police officers that were responsible for the deaths of blacks. Too bad he got killed and too bad nobody supports him.
farah111 Posted - 07/12/2016 : 16:34:05
Yes, all Lives. That includes the lives of the black guys that were killed before that event....and the life of M.X.Johnson (the murderer) as well. Don't get me wrong...i'm not pro-Johnson! But he said things like "I want to kill white people" when he went to Afghanistan.... He should have been sent to see some Psychs instead, right?
saucyone Posted - 07/12/2016 : 15:35:12
All lives matter