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 thank you Haplo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lovealphonso Posted - 09/04/2017 : 07:52:56
THANK YOU HAPLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jonnyfingers Posted - 03/20/2023 : 21:16:22
Unfortunately, this site is most likely dead and most people haven't played those games ever since, sorry man. Guess we would have to move on. That's why I stopped playing games ever since and I have no use of that site, plus Haplo is inactive at most and there's nothing we can do about it.
eaglekiwi Posted - 03/20/2023 : 04:57:52
gosh, this great site is still alive,eh?!
farah111 Posted - 09/08/2017 : 23:55:18
ave caesar morituri te salutant
haplo Posted - 09/06/2017 : 14:13:23
The following games have been fixed to be LOW-score games: Top That, Towers of Hanoi, and Disc Golf.

If I missed any games that should be LOW-score but are actually HIGH-score, let me know. Also if you notice any games that are broken and don't work at all, let me know that as well so I can delete them. A few of the games on the site load resources from other websites and so they can decay/break over time if the website they are dependent on no longer exists. This is rare but it does happen once in a while.
haplo Posted - 09/05/2017 : 00:32:23
You're welcome everybody :)
saucyone Posted - 09/04/2017 : 08:03:11
Yes,and thanking you again!!!