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T O P I C    R E V I E W
haplo Posted - 11/17/2017 : 22:05:32
PlayItOnTheWeb is 10 years old, and as far as I know we've never had a score reset in all that time. As I've discussed with some of you, I'd like to do a score reset soon to breathe some fresh life into the site, I think it will be very exciting!

The reason I haven't done it yet is that I am implementing some new anti-cheating code. It is mostly working and I have been gathering and examining some very good data. I don't want to do multiple score resets, though, just one, so I want to make sure everything is working very well before I pull the switch.

I'm going to be out of town for Thanksgiving and was hoping to be ready before then but it looks like we're not there yet. I'm using the data I'm gathering to refine the algorithm, so although the code is mostly written I'd like a little more. So, although it won't be ready in time for Thanksgiving, I'm quite sure it'll be ready in early December so it'll be a nice Christmas present for everyone so if you're bored over the Christmas break there will be lots of empty games to claim and plant your flag on.

Don't bother asking me about cheating behaviors or the anti-cheating code I'm writing as I don't want to reveal anything there, but if anybody has any other questions (or comments or suggestions) about the high score reset, feel free to leave a comment! If you have a question or suggestion on another topic, please create a new thread rather than replying here. Thanks!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
farah111 Posted - 11/18/2017 : 10:59:41
Vegetarian greetings! Har Har Har.
Looking forward for the reset. Yes
haplo Posted - 11/17/2017 : 22:08:51
Oh and Happy Holidays everybody! Eat lots of turkey next week! (If you are American)