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T O P I C    R E V I E W
haplo Posted - 12/12/2017 : 01:50:42
Wow, today's gauntlet stages are really really hard! That score reset can't come soon enough, I think I'm gonna try to make it happen this week, maybe just a couple of days from now.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
haplo Posted - 12/12/2017 : 17:15:38
There are currently 228 verified scores for 111 games. I want to get at least 500 games that have verified scores before we do the score reset, so there will still be plenty of games to be selected for the gauntlet. (And of course, once the old non-verified scores are erased, the gauntlet target scores will be much easier)

There's no on-site way for you guys to see how many verified scores they are, but I'll try to post every day or two what the new count is. Really want to try and do the score reset this week if possible.