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 Few Suggestions for New Uses for Runes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
arnoldchan Posted - 03/09/2014 : 20:01:37
I have been thinking of a few new options that Haplo might consider adding to the site for the "unused runes".

One option I would love is the ability to just move my items around in my inventory. Maybe one of the low value runes would be appropriate!

For one of the higher unused runes, perhaps the ability to sell "some" but not all of a particular item. For example, when I see one of two runes, I have to sell all. What if I only wanted to sell one?

Another option would be the "ability" to give an item to other player, Perhaps just a friend, or to anyone?

Just some random thoughts for new unallocated runes.

Others can feel free to suggest some too!

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
arnoldchan Posted - 03/12/2014 : 06:15:31
I haven't tried giving away stuff, but I will try it! Thanks Peterre!
saucyone Posted - 03/10/2014 : 22:54:43
I must be far away mentally.....( no comment from you..lol! )
peterre Posted - 03/10/2014 : 22:43:09
ha yes, but the way i am thinking as programmer is that the progessive of the xp around level 120 close to the million comes , that cost a normal player here about 300 years to reach :) , so when are you ready with runes ...if the runescount are connected to the level a player is , maybe i am wrong , doesnt matter, Haplo is far waway :))) , greetz Peter
saucyone Posted - 03/10/2014 : 14:53:54
If I'm understanding you correctly,why go back to level 1.....why not level up to 100 and as Toast mentioned regarding runes,possibly give a BONUS rune depending on which increment in the level is decided....hope I'm making sense.
peterre Posted - 03/10/2014 : 08:31:55
what i should do as owner of this site.................when some reasched the max xp level 99.......all counters 'except the gold and ladder values ' to zero ...start in level 1 ......but behind your name comes a Gold star * , bigger as the asterix offcourse , like a general/admiral...you can go to 5 stars, i m just thinking what i should do :D ,, greetz Peter
toast Posted - 03/09/2014 : 23:01:30
Great minds think alike Arnold, I mentioned the very same thing just the other day, (about having the option to sell as many or as few of our items that we choose).

Although we can -already- send any of our inventory items or gold to other players. Have you tried doing that yet as Peterre suggested?

It would also be brilliant if there was another 10-20 new runes to collect, for players that have reached maximum xp. I keep mentioning this idea, as I think it would be ace =]
peterre Posted - 03/09/2014 : 22:29:54
@ Arnoldchan, when you sent a message to some here you can enclose gift, thats mony or a rune , try it :) greetz peter
farah111 Posted - 03/09/2014 : 22:11:21
I agree, that would be nice indeed
saucyone Posted - 03/09/2014 : 20:47:46
I really like the idea of being able to sell part of your inventory items instead of having to sell the whole lot.