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 If i'm going to be a web designer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jonnyfingers Posted - 08/27/2013 : 18:28:12
Excuse me if I'm going to be a web designer at home. Are there some instructions of how to create a website that you can send me those links? Also do web designers for home make more money? And is there some website that requires to make website that I could make a website for free? If so then please send me those links. And one more thing. What do you all think of web designing for home?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jonnyfingers Posted - 08/28/2013 : 17:07:50
Alright. I'll do whatever I can do.
haplo Posted - 08/28/2013 : 01:59:50
Web development is awesome, but of course I'd say that since it's what I do for a living and what I'm passionate about.

Good side: programming can be highly lucrative if you work for someone else, or even for yourself if you work your tail off (I'm nowhere near that yet, but I get enough that it barely pays the bills so I don't have to hold down a normal full-time job)

Bad side: it's difficult, meaning intellectually challenging. That's not a problem, or even a plus, if you enjoy a challenge, especially a mental challenge. But there is a LOT to learn.

At a minimum, you need to know: HTML, CSS, Javascript. Those are 3 different "languages" that work together to create what we know as the web. On top of that, to be a top-notch developer you need to learn a server-side language like PHP or whatever, and a database language like SQL. But you can start with the basic 3, that is "web design". Just google what you want to learn and start practicing. And read a lot of stackoverflow.
jonnyfingers Posted - 08/27/2013 : 18:29:01
Excuse me if I'm going to be a web designer. Are there some instructions of how to create a website that you can send me those links? And is there some website that requires to make website that I could make a website for free? If so then please send me those links.