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 L99 Legend Forum Regular
537 Posts
Posted - 09/16/2011 : 21:18:43
Ok, the Top-Players Board is/has been very disjointed lately *thumbs down*
The new slot of "Oldest Active Players" Seems pointless, b e c a u s e , it cant ever -visibly- change from what it is.
Its a good idea for our PROFILES, but i dont think its worthy of replacing a spot on the Top-Players board.
I think its messy to have to go to different pages just to view each players stats.
Surely it would flow far better if it were all on one page?
Just a thought
L92 Legend Forum Participant
359 Posts
Posted - 09/16/2011 : 23:56:20
Looks good now with the return of most and you can view the top 20! No "most gold"? |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
586 Posts
Posted - 09/17/2011 : 12:35:37
It looks like there are some complaints. It also appears there are some likes. I like the new look for the top players. I obviously like the idea of "oldest" since it was my idea. But I also kind of agree with Toast in that I'm not sure the top players page is where "oldest" needs to be placed. But I think oldest needs to be somewhere and I don't know of a better place. I much prefer the old style (before the oldest was ever included). There is so much more that could be included. Like the largest lottery winnings, etc. A page that would include all of the highest, largest, most, best, oldest of everything imaginable all on one page. By doing so would easily identify items that players could shoot for. As I also mentioned in another forum thread, it would also show that every player here can be a leader at something. |
L92 Legend Forum Participant
359 Posts
Posted - 09/17/2011 : 13:12:51
There was only 4 thing up there for a bit, then it changed before I posted to what it is now! |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
586 Posts
Posted - 09/17/2011 : 14:29:39
If I remember correctly, on the older top players page, there used to be 9 items listed, not including the oldest. I preferred a listing with everything included on one page. New items could also be included. Like largest amount of games rated, games mailed, largest lotteries and the number of lists could go on and on. |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
586 Posts
Posted - 09/17/2011 : 14:31:42
I do think think the page design could be slightly tweaked by adding an instruction that each box uses a mouse-over. |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
537 Posts
Posted - 09/17/2011 : 19:33:14
its not as clean as the original.
the new board is messy, and you have to go to other pages to view the other stats.
i cant help it, i just think it looks far better before.
i suggested adding new titles/headings for various things, a while back, i think its a great idea to show the things that are earnt, won, defeated (most player challenges), most declared challenges, etc etc...but the way it is now is messy and disjointed.
sticking to my own personal opinion on this one =P |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
586 Posts
Posted - 09/17/2011 : 19:50:57
Toast, that is exactly what I meant by needing tweaked. More items are needed, but the appearance could be better. If more items were added now, as you said Toast, it would just not look that good. |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
537 Posts
Posted - 09/18/2011 : 22:06:46
agreed |
L92 Legend Forum Participant
359 Posts
Posted - 09/19/2011 : 04:33:25
We DO need more! I wanna see everything, even lottery winnings are a great idea! I like the top 20 thing, I want everything jammed in there.
The top 20 will help be an incentive for more players to become permanent now and even in the future when the site gets bigger.
And if every sort of stat that we can think of is up there, then more and more people will feel like they've achieved something and it will be a great incentive for them to stick around! |
 L90 Legend Administrator
608 Posts
Posted - 09/24/2011 : 09:44:08
Great feedback and I will be working on this very very soon.
I just had the flu this past week, and today is the first day that I'm finally feeling somewhat back to normal. When it rains, it pours, eh?  |
L92 Legend Forum Participant
359 Posts
Posted - 09/25/2011 : 00:35:23
Aw, poor Haplo! |
 L90 Legend Administrator
608 Posts
Posted - 09/27/2011 : 12:15:41
Working on adding more stats to this page, I think having a lot more there is a great idea. Also exploring ideas for making it look more snazzy.
One thing that has come up that I could use some feedback on. We have "daily challenges" and "player challenges" which is kind of confusing. On top of that, we have stats for "most player challenges defeated" (that were declared by other players) and "most undefeated player challenges" (that were declared by you). Which is even more confusing.
So I'm thinking maybe we should rename these things to make it more clear and succinct. I'm gonna check the thesaurus for ideas but if anybody has any suggestions I'm all ears on how to make the distinction between these things less confusing.
Right now the best I've got is "Player challenges defeated" refers to the number of challenges of other players that you've beaten, and "Undefeated player challenges" refers to the number of player challenges that YOU'VE declared that no one was able to beat. But obviously this terminology is quite confusing and I'd like something better.  |
L92 Legend Forum Participant
359 Posts
Posted - 09/27/2011 : 19:40:41
How about "Daily Tests"? Or is that too daunting.
It would sound pretty straightforward if we had "player challenges won" and "player challenges lost". |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
586 Posts
Posted - 09/27/2011 : 19:52:44
Maybe it's just me. Possibly Haplo isn't finished yet. But I am having a major problem with this Top Players page. It's the design. The award icons from the second tier of boxes go all the way to near the bottom of the page and obscures the numbers on the boxes below the second tier. Because of that, I try the "mouse-over" to see the complete lists on the third tier and the boxes from the second tier opens instead. So I have to sort of "sneak up" on the third tier of boxes with my mouse. |
Edited by - rockcastlecoky on 09/27/2011 19:53:34 |
 L90 Legend Administrator
608 Posts
Posted - 09/27/2011 : 21:39:06
K I'll look at that rock. Probably an IE specific thing.
Edit: made a couple changes. Did that fix it? |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
586 Posts
Posted - 09/27/2011 : 21:53:52
That took care of it. Problem resolved. Thanks Haplo. |
L92 Legend Forum Participant
359 Posts
Posted - 09/28/2011 : 00:50:12
I mean, player challenges won (when you defeat a challenge) and undefeated challenges. |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
586 Posts
Posted - 09/28/2011 : 18:19:33
The oldest players may still need some tweaking Haplo. I was number 20 yesterday and I'm not even on the oldest players list today. |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
537 Posts
Posted - 09/30/2011 : 18:50:02
Loving the new Top-Players Layout! Lovely touch Haplo =D Looks fabsome!
p.s. I hope your feeling better soon *hoovers the flu from out of your nostrils* |
 L90 Legend Administrator
608 Posts
Posted - 10/05/2011 : 01:36:46
quote: Originally posted by rockcastlecoky
The oldest players may still need some tweaking Haplo. I was number 20 yesterday and I'm not even on the oldest players list today.
Remember, it only counts players who have been active during the last 30 days. So if a player that has been inactive for a while, but created their account a very long time ago, becomes active again it can push everyone below him down the list. |
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