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 Is anyone else on Arkadium and getting scams
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L92 Legend
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25 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2023 :  10:53:03    Reply with Quote
Well, I probably won't get any responses as this site is defunct now for a couple years. But, on the off-chance, since it is defunct, has anyone gone to Arkadium to find games? It appears to be a good site with lots of games, and a few are addictive (has 3D Mahjonng and a good memory game and Cryptic crosswords). However, it also has had a problem ever since I started there over a year ago with the games getting suddenly truncated (stopped) and the screen redirecting to a scam. Without any warning, permission or ability to finish the game. Just - gone. In the place of the game is a scam that has the fake McAfee or Firefox malware screen. The parasite is pretending to be one of those, and telling the user the machine is vulnerable. The link goes to some sort of malware, spyware. It will either mess up your machine or pretend to fix a fake problem and charge high fees. It may put spyware on there to find your pw or other items. I don't know, but I do know the link on the redirect is nefarious.

So, that's a warning if you are on Arkadium. If at any time, you see a screen telling you to click on McAfee or any other similar security thing - DO NOT click on it.

I copy the link of the redirect and submit it to Arkadium support. They always get back to me, but never fix the problem, at least not recently. They may have many months ago - seems they did, and it's back after I took a hiatus from them. This is at least better than MyGamesWorld which didn't do anything about any support requests a while back (haven't contacted them recently). But MyGamesWorld doesn't seem to have the infection problem of Arkadium. That, instead, warns you it isn't secure when you type in your pw to log in. MyGamesWorld is a much better site as their infection of redirects is much less (may have only happened once or twice a long time ago) and the general ads so much less problematic. They don't have 3D Mahjongg or Cryptic Crosswords, though.

One other thing about Arkadium - the ads are extremely tiring. They make you watch 30 sec before EVERY game. This pretty much destroys the short games as I found a fun one, but it lasts only one 3 min round or so, if that, and all you do is watch useless ads when you try to play it. Strings of 30 sec ads between 3-minute game rounds. The scam redirects are particularly bad because they ruin the game you are on, and force you to watch another ad to get back to it. Sometimes, you're doing really well on the game and its infuriating to lose it. Other times, the game barely starts, only a few seconds of it, and then the redirect loses it and you watched the damn ad for nothing. Now you have to watch another one. (hint - if you have another task on your machine go off for 30 sec and check it out). The ads are pretty useless, too, nothing you'd want to partake of.

Worse, I can't figure out if Arkadium is actually partnering with the scam redirects as one of their advertisers, or if they are infected themselves not wanting to be, and the infection is redirecting their players. It is, of course, worse if they are having the scammers as one of their paid advertisers. Their responses to me indicated this may be the case, but I cannot tell. They have not said it was an infection, nor have they warned me not to click on any redirect links, which they should have done at least that.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has this problem with Arkadium, because it really interfered with Christmas in July 3D Mahjonng (which is gone until Dec now). And it is dangerous to any player. There are no other game sites as good as PIOTW was. Nowhere near close.

Hope someone reads this.
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