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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/12/2012 :  21:31:02    Reply with Quote
I have been a long time supporter of Haplo. Sure, there have been times that I haven't agreed with his decisions or changes. But it's his website so he has that right. The old saying goes "Love It or Leave It". So I've stayed. I've been here just over 2 years now. I have seen the ups and downs. But things have gotten progressively worse recently. There have been a number of issues posted here on this forum that have not been resolved. I have been quietly keeping track. I have notations from Haplo that go back OVER a year of issues that have yet to be resolved.

I have a notice on my profile that a problem has occurred and a notice has been sent to the administrative TEAM. Just WHO is this TEAM??? WHO do I contact if and when Haplo is NOT around??? So who else, besides Haplo, can resolve my current profile problem??? By looking at Haplo's profile we see he hasn't been around here in OVER a week!

There was a notice posted on this forum by Haplo that his schedule has opened up and he now has the time to work on resolving the issues here. But that was about a MONTH ago. Issues remain and they are getting worse.

This is just my own opinion. Others may or may not agree with it. That's fine by me, I support your right to disagree with me.

But like I said in the beginning, I support Haplo. It's just getting harder to do so now.

Edited by - rockcastlecoky on 07/12/2012 21:33:37


L92 Legend
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Posted - 07/12/2012 :  21:51:06    Reply with Quote
I am still waiting for him to come back to delete my profile!

Yeah Rock, it's a bit funny how he said he'd be focusing on this place, he guaranteed it. Now where is he?

And he says straight to us that he's the only admin here, ADAMANTLY, yet all this team talk.

I'm also sure I've seen a couple of very minor changes occur during his absence.

There's bull s h i t lies and s h i t t y business going on. I'm dead sick of the glitches, why stick around?

This is the first site I've gamed on, so I didn't know what constituted a gaming site. Looking at other sites, this one is just plain weird. Iffy. Shonky. Comparing it to other sites it's like an untrustworthy back-alley market stall with the shady looking character rubbing it's hands.

Haplo reads private messages, he has made this known. Be careful of the things you write to eachother, okay?

Rock, you are who you are. I reckon. But I don't think that everyone here -is- who they say, I'm more talking about the very long term sorts of players. The ones that are here very often. Just be careful of the players too!

I hope who reads this understands what I mean, be careful guys!

Edited by - melglora on 07/12/2012 21:52:45
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/12/2012 :  22:50:48    Reply with Quote
Does ANYONE else see my favorites or featured game on my profile??? ANYONE??? Or is it just me seeing "Oops! An error occurred"?

Haplo USED to give us timelines / timetables. But NOT anymore. Now it goes on his "list" saying he'll get to it.

It USED to be that Haplo posted everything. Openly. For ALL to see. Now Haplo says that some things will NOT be posted. Thngs like new changes, etc. We'll NEVER know about them. Why??? Because he says they are NOT important. Here's news! They just MAY be important to me...and others.

You...and others...may or may not have noticed that I have NOT been around here much recently. I used to play my favorites FREQUENTLY...several times a day. EVERYDAY! But they are NOT there now. So where do I go? I go to my own website. I have another website besides the one shown on my profile. I have MOST of my favorite games there. On my OWN website, these very same games are faster and there is NO hanging! So now (with all these site problems here) I do my business here and then I go to my own website and play my favorites.

Edited by - rockcastlecoky on 07/12/2012 23:07:15
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L92 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  01:38:04    Reply with Quote
It comes up "oops" etc when I view your profile Rock.

So why are your favourites deleted? WTF!? Plain weird mate.

I wouldn't worry about it all, I'd just leave this hole if I were you.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  05:02:13    Reply with Quote
I lost everything when I changed my featured game. favorites, messages, equipment, etc.

I was thinking of changing the URL to my website. I have many you know. So I was going to use one of my websites that directly related to this site. But as you can see, I'm now afraid that if I changed that, it would cause even more problems to go wrong.

Yes, I have been to other game sites. MANY of them. But none of them had a Haplo...or anyone like him. They also did not have as friendly and nice of players as are here. So I stayed here.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  05:13:15    Reply with Quote
I created, own, control several domains / websites. I also have 3 webmasters who can do anything and everything with those sites. My sites are NOT advertiser supported. So there is always someone who can and will resolve any and all issues. So why can't that happen here?
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L92 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  09:30:25    Reply with Quote
Originally posted by rockcastlecoky

I created, own, control several domains / websites. I also have 3 webmasters who can do anything and everything with those sites. My sites are NOT advertiser supported. So there is always someone who can and will resolve any and all issues. So why can't that happen here?

That's a point Rock
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L92 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  09:35:09    Reply with Quote
I'm sorry I pretty much stole your thread to say these things... but everything has come to a point now where I understand everything more and question it. Here.

TOO much is ODD.

And what you are saying now, happens to tie in with my point, remarkably, co-incidently. Your issues are synonymous with my realisations.

There is a player here who, in every sense, fits the criteria of an internet scammer, and it also ties in with Haplo in a large way.

Watch out about this site.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  13:30:20    Reply with Quote
Just a minute here. I NEVER intended for this to be a bash Haplo post. Sure I have problems. Several problems. But I will NEVER and have NEVER bash Haplo or ANY player here. But I will exercise my right and freedom to voice my complaints, when needed. But I will NOT attack the integrity or character of Haplo.
We can complain. We can even assume. But let's keep it civil. Don't attack.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  16:38:55    Reply with Quote
Just throwing a few notions out there, but perhaps Haplo is on a holiday. Or maybe he's had to tend to personal matters. I'm just mentioning it because its possible.

On the same token, it would be good for a permanent helpdesk to be instated, manned with a dedicated problem solver, soley for I.T issues and alike.

Although finding someone who 'can' dedicate their time for specific purpose, might prove to be tricky. Needless to say, bigger porblems can take longer to resolve, while other issues are not so time consuming. A DUO of people would be ideal.

None the less Rock, i feel your frustrations, i can see why its bothering you, it would bother me too, three, four. Not that its any consolation, but im also epxeriencing alot of bug infested issues. Its purely because ive not been here as often over a week or so, that ive just put up with all the niggles, as and where i can.

I'm certain everything will be resolved soon. Just try and hold out, like your already doing. It'll get sorted, dont vex it too much. I know how much of a chore it makes things. It wont be long.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  17:25:21    Reply with Quote
Rock,we're neighbors..lol! support you 100%
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  17:47:38    Reply with Quote
I do know how to contact Haplo when he isn't around this site. He has close friends and family here. So I simply message them and they contact him. I've only had to do that once before. But as I've mentioned, my messages on this site are now disabled. I can't send a message to anyone. So I can't send a message to Haplo's friends and family. So I'm kind of hoping that those friends and family will see this and make the neccessary contact.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  17:53:23    Reply with Quote
Haplo could be seriously injured. Been in a serious accident. Have major health problems. Or worse. Then I REALLY would feel REALLY bad.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  18:00:40    Reply with Quote
So with all my current problems with this site, why am I still here? It has all the games that I like. More than elsewhere. There are more ways to compete. Competition is more fair here than elsewhere. There are more ways to earn points or Gold.
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  18:13:13    Reply with Quote
get over it..lol!
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  18:18:26    Reply with Quote
Rock..pls ..it'll be ok................
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/13/2012 :  18:46:12    Reply with Quote
Seriously....Rock.....no need to worry,he's probably on vacation...........
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 07/14/2012 :  10:26:52    Reply with Quote
Originally posted by saucyone

get over it..lol!

Get Over It. A song done by The Eagles. Right? I know it well and I love it!
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L31 Contender
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Posted - 12/30/2012 :  12:07:39    Reply with Quote
i like this site. it's everything i was looking for. and i will hit the leader bourds soon.
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