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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/15/2014 :  17:35:47    Reply with Quote
Hi there,

been around here for a while but never cared about the Forum.
I'm from Germany (so, sorry for any mistakes in my writing).
I will soon be 47 years old.
I talked to some guys here and the most have been very nice and friendly.
My scorings probably would be higher if i would spend some money on a new computer...but hey, it's just for the fun of it... and I'm kind of in Love with my old Mac... :-)

Ah..and..if your intention is to tell me bad stuff about anybody around here...please, tell it to the wall behind your computer..or your grandmother..or your cat....okay?

Have a nice time everybody.


L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/15/2014 :  17:55:17    Reply with Quote
Hey Farah111 / Volker << (kool name) =]

You're English is brilliant! I never have any trouble at all with your wording/spelling or otherwise, as with other European gamers here. On the contrary -I- feel quite inadequate in comparison to you guys, as I cannot speak or type in others native languages.

I feel perhaps a little ignorant, being less able to type in -your- tongue *shamefully shrugs*
So, with that in mind, -I'm- entirely grateful that -your- English is perfectly good.

Great profile picture btw! Its uncanny / spooky, because, just the other night I tried to change my own profile picture, to My name (kind of like your initials on yours) but theres a slight issue right now, where im unable to change my profile picture. None the less, love the colours and the font style you've chosen, pretty kool =]
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/15/2014 :  18:06:08    Reply with Quote
The friendly toast :-)
I had toast for a late dinner some minutes ago :-)
We have a >Sprichwort< in Germany: "A live without cats is possible, but it is sensless" And a live without the German language is possible too, but... :-) So...it is never too late. :-)
And here is your first lesson: Toast translated into german means ...Toast *rofl*
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/15/2014 :  20:36:26    Reply with Quote
LOLOL @ Toast translated to -Toast- hahaha =P

Ich habe heute ?ber euch, mein Versuch, Antwort in deutscher Sprache. Auch wenn er vielleicht etwas zusammenhangslos wie arbeite ich mit einem ?bersetzer zur Anpassung meines Textes. Auch mit Bezug auf ihren Kommentar ?ber deine Ergebnisse, wie sie oben bereits erw?hnt, habe ich euch als einer der top-player hier!

Es gibt einige Spiele, in denen die mehr Sie spielen, desto gr?sser Sie des Gastes, denn ich bin mir sicher sie bereits kennen. Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach -muster- in Spiele, die dann gibt mir der oberen Hand hohe Punktzahl zu. Es gibt viele Spiele, die ich bin nutzlos, mit, aber ich habe viel Spa? beim Spielen sowieso.

Ich kann nur hoffen, dass sich das sich genau so ein, wie ich es, ich bitte um Entschuldigung fur eventuelle Fehler, da gibt es sicher einige zu geben, ich hoffe sie wird nur geringf?gig sind. Ansonsten
ist es der ?bersetzer St?rung haha =P

Zeit fur mich, etwas schlafen und surfen unter den Sternen, 04:35 Uhr und wieder n?her an das Fr?hst?ck von Minute zu Minute ab. Haben einen wundersch?nen Tag, Nachmittag und Abend, fangen sie bald dazu! =]

Edited by - toast on 01/15/2014 20:42:27
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/15/2014 :  20:50:03    Reply with Quote
Doh! I have no idea -why- there are random "?" in place of certain letters, they weren't there before, never mind, maybe the "?" were feeling left out, who knows, I will tell those "?" off when I see them! =P
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/16/2014 :  12:50:46    Reply with Quote
*LOL* those computerized translation are a lot of fun...but mostly they are not understandable.
The "?'s" appear, when there are some letters in use that are not common in the English. The Forum Program doesn't know them...because it is an English or American Program. Those Letters are: ?, ? and ?..... *rofl*
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/16/2014 :  23:24:13    Reply with Quote
haha! You Sir are one very funny man! Its refreshing to have such humour here, you're ace! =]
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/17/2014 :  11:39:20    Reply with Quote
Doesn't have "funny" two meanings?
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/17/2014 :  12:53:10    Reply with Quote
lol, yes, it -can- mean two different things, but I meant it in the clever/dry/quick sense of humour way =P
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/17/2014 :  14:00:01    Reply with Quote
Clever?...hmmmm... not clever enough to beat your highscores....damn...*smile*
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/17/2014 :  15:37:04    Reply with Quote
haha, I could say the same about some of your scores! I guess we all have certain games that we're naturally good at, and others not so much.

I am a -mouse- gamer, I'm not so good with using ASWD or the arrows, and indeed combining those with other keys, such as shift, control, space, special moves and numbers etc etc.

My gaming skills are very basic, in that, I prefer to use the mouse, because its the easiest way (for me).
Others prefer to use joy sticks/pads, or the keys, some even use the touch pad (on a laptop).
I don't own any gaming accessories, such as a -joy stick- or other similar things. The most I own in accessories is a camera and a mic.

My main strategy with most games, is to find the sequence or pattern. There are many games with notable sequences and patterns, which are a piece of cake once you've played them over 1000 times each lol. No exaggeration there, I have played a few choice games so many times, for hours on end back to back, -just- to beat the game, or at least gain a top score.

Lots of players here have their own games that no one can beat them at, they're so in-tune with their choice of games, that they are the master/expert of them. You can always notice this on some of the "Player Challenges" raised. As I myself also demonstrate.

I can struggle with games that -should- be second nature to me, BUT, there's a few titles that I just cannot get to grips with. Here's an example of my failings.
I am a huge fan of mah-jong, I've played it since I was little, and as most people know, I play it endlessly here PIOTW. However, there's a title called, "Mahjong Connect", which ArnoldChan is the king of (as with Moody's Magical Eye). And no matter how many times I play those particular games, I cannot score well. And BOTH are with a mouse, so its doubly annoying for me because it -should- be easy for me considering mah-jong is my strength AND its just mouse movement! lol

Same with a title called "Mahjong Solitaire" which Nefariousminx is the queen of. Same thing again, no matter how many times I play it, I just cannot score to my preferred range.

There's quite a few games that I struggle with, but I still enjoy playing them none the less. I just love so many games here, even if I cant score well with them, its all about relaxing and having fun for me. Life can be so hectic at times, so escaping into this wonderful domain, is a calm and peaceful sanctuary for me lol.

I get to be a kid again, excited to see if I can beat my own scores. Its the simple things in life that have good impact which is a blessing in a not so calm and peaceful world that we live in today. But that's a whole other topic which would come under "World Politics". I myself love to debate about world issues, but not many here do, so I wont continue with that train of thought. lol
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/17/2014 :  17:12:22    Reply with Quote
Nearly forgot what the original thread was about.

Just to say, there's always going to be wild, crazy and paranoid idea's flowing about the place, its sad and annoying at times, but its part and parcel of this world-wide-web. Bitching, moaning, whining, its all the same inane rubbish. I'm sorry to hear that you're currently experiencing pointless and meaningless BMW (Bitching Moaning Whining) Not the car lol =P

Unfortunately this behaviour exists wayyy too frequently at times, it can make people feel uncomfortable, or uneasy, but, as I recommend to everyone, (including myself) Best to completely ignore it, and refuse to respond. Its the best way to deal with BMW.

Life is too short for inane rubbish that holds no meaning in this world. I hope the issue has stopped for you, and that you can continue to game to your hearts content without any further bother! =]

The only problem with life is, -People- haha =]

Edited by - toast on 01/17/2014 17:15:21
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L99 Legend
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Posted - 01/18/2014 :  10:26:03    Reply with Quote
Hugh, that woman spoke wisely...again *pat you on the shoulder*
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