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 L82 Maniac Forum Novice
49 Posts
Posted - 04/11/2014 : 05:57:21
(from FAQs): quote: What are player aliases? To help ensure fairness, any player who creates more than one account has those accounts marked as aliases. The system has a variety of ways to detect multiple accounts, and aliases have certain restrictions placed on them. As an example, as you win tournament awards you will graduate to higher tournament ranks, but creating additional accounts will not allow you to play in beginner-ranked tournaments if you already have an account that is at a higher rank.
Well, a few days ago I (eaglekiwi) joined POITW. Then today I was visiting one of my daughters and mentioned the site, so daughter joined - as snoopsnz. We both very soon noticed that SHE apparently has an alias - me, and *I* now have an alias - her. What the heck's the deal here ? Whoever said/thought/inferred that "she" doesn't actually exist in her own right, but is apparently just an "alias" of me ?
Ok, she was using HER ISP/IP number today, and because I was visiting I was using the same one, of course. But hey, we were even using different computers. (We live miles away from each other). This "variety of ways to detect multiple accounts" would seem to be a very simple comparison of IP numbers, and THEN a crazy jump to conclusion that family members are not welcomed/expected here!? (2 ALLEGED separate users must be one person plus his/her alias if they happen to use the same IP# !? REALLY?)
I've noticed quite a number of members here are shown with "aliases" (e.g. toast, with jam). To me "alias" implies something a little shady - I wonder how many other aliases are really in fact just other family members or householders who use the same ISP to access the site - absolutely nothing to do with any idea of 'aliases' ?
I hope someone can explain, and hopefully fix this anomaly.
Edited by - eaglekiwi on 04/15/2014 00:32:35 |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
537 Posts
Posted - 04/16/2014 : 15:47:28
For EK & Snoopsnz.
I understand why this subject may have caused some unrest, but to be absolutely clear, ALL members are 100% Welcome here! I shall further explain and expand on the "Alias" scenarios and the reasons as to why there are particular restrictions. (Although I feel Haplo is better suited to answer this fully).
Quite a few of the young members live in the same house-hold as their siblings and only have use of a single machine/pc.
Alongside, a few members share a pc at their place of work and had their work colleagues join the site too. (both using the same pc).
Then there's those who have their family members stay occasionally, for example me, my young nephew stays here sometimes, (his parents are disabled) so he gets a break/rest by staying here or going to his grandmas.
Or, sometimes it can be a simple case of, a new member didn't like their original choice of -player name- and so made another account.
Others had to create themselves other accounts, because their original account froze up for a while, until it was able to be diagnosed/fixed/resolved.
On the other hand, there's a select few who have -several- pc's, some with different IP's, even though all their machines are at the same address. These people are the pc enthusiasts, the programmers, the game and web developers etc. But no harm is ever intended by those members. Its simply a case of their set up at home and the fact that they tend to have all manner of gadgets, add on's and up-grades. Enabling them to game, work and other interests all at the same time, while keeping everything completely separate.
Then we have those who deliberately attempt to farm extra gold by way of creating extra accounts. But the owner of the site (Mr.H) is very wise to these types of so called -newcomers-, and would naturally put stop to any intentional foul-play.
There's also been the odd one or two, who may have been banned, then go about making a different account/and or resetting their IP address and other varied methods.
And finally, those who attempt to monopolise the tournaments, thus winning many gold awards under different aliases, leaving the playing field unfair and impossible for others. (why people want to do these things is beyond me, but there will always be a few that just genuinely enjoy being disruptive and/or, think they're above site rules).
I'm certain there's other categories, but those mentioned above, are the first to spring to my mind right now.
So as I'm sure you can understand, due to the vaired reasons behind "Aliases", there -has- to be certain restrictions in place to ensure that nothing untoward is occurring. On the same token though, members -can- and do ask to have their aliases -removed-, by way of mailing Haplo -direct-, where he is happy to assist.
As for the automatic restrictions in place, I can honestly say (from my personal experience) that it hasn't had any effect for me at all. It hasn't changed anything.
Snoopsnz can always make another account on her -home- machine/pc. AND -still- use YOUR pc when she visits and vice-versa. There's no harm in that at all!
Not a criticism here, just observation of your mixed feelings, but I notice how in one paragraph you're mentioning about aliases being innocent to a point, then the next paragraph you mention aliases in the form of being shady. So you can further understand exactly -why- certain restrictions have to be in place to ensure minimal disruption/rule bending.
You can see on the aliases "activity" or last log on and their history etc. Rarely is there any foul-play at hand, which hopefully helps to ease your mind.
There is nothing to -fix- so to speak, the system the site has in place has worked/served well, for a long time now, while offering peace of mind to its members, that the playing-field will always remain fair. (Unless of course, Haplo chooses to -change- things).
And just to re-emphasise, the automatic restrictions, really don't have any negative effect on anyone here who has an alias/family member/or other. =]
Please forgive my delay to reply, I'm a bit out of action/slow to do things at the moment. Certainly -not- intentional!
Kind Regards Toast
Edited by - toast on 04/16/2014 15:48:07 |
L1 Nooblet Forum Beginner
1 Posts
Posted - 04/16/2014 : 17:30:23
I think the term itself creates a feeling of negativity. The term "alias" implies that it is one person using two names. One definition I found: "a false name used to conceal one's identity; an assumed name".
To me it feels as if the term excludes all those examples of innocent people sharing computers etc.
Perhaps a term slightly less accusing like "Linked accounts" would include people like Eagle and I... I will concede that our accounts are "linked" or "associated" (perhaps my wordy father will come up with a better word ;) ) But our accounts are NOT Aliases.
Edited by - snoopsnz on 04/16/2014 17:31:28 |
 L99 Legend Forum Regular
537 Posts
Posted - 04/16/2014 : 18:05:30
I understand exactly what you're saying, I can see -how- it may appear offensive.
But don't worry, no one here judges anyone on how many family members/alias's they have =]
Even though the -word- itself, isn't perhaps the best term, don't let it put you off!
By no means does it automatically -deem- someone as hiding or concealing themselves under different names.
Most of the members here are open and friendly, there isn't any kind of pre-judgement on ANYONE who shares their pc/creating the same link, regardless of the term itself.
Who knows though, maybe Haplo might change the wording! |
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