9/7/2024 11:08:17 PM
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Level 2 - Nooblet
  2 / 15 xp  

26 gold
Gender: Male
Location: Unknown
Last Online: 7/11/2024
Joined On: 7/11/2024
Games Played: 2 (avg. 0.0/day)
Games Rated: 1
Total High Scores: 1
First Place High Scores: 0
Gauntlet Awards: 0
Sniper Awards: 0
Daily Tourney Awards: 000
Weekly Tourney Awards: 000
Leadership Awards: 0
Achievements: 0 / 89

Recent Activity
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110724nismes has played a total of 2 games.
110724nismes has given a rating of ten to 0 games.
110724nismes currently has 0 first-place high scores.
110724nismes has won 0 tournaments.
110724nismes has defeated 0 public challenges by other players.
110724nismes has declared 0 public challenges, 0 that went undefeated.